McCarthy Stone
Scope Of Work
Starting life as a MOD development on the Colchester Garrison the site was populated with a couple of administration buildings that were demolished to leave a relatively flat brown field development.
On commencement of the traditional strip and pad foundations mass concrete obstructions and abandoned concrete encase drain runs were uncovered that required breaking out with the arisings being taken off site.
Once all of obstructions were removed this allowed the foundations to be poured via concrete pump with the total volume of concrete being used exceeding well over 900m3 this was carried out in just 3 separate pours.
Substructure 17N & 10N blockwork followed up to the underside of slab, this also incorporated the installation of stub steels to receive structural steelwork these required a high degree of accuracy which was achieved well within the required tolerances.
The new drainage system under the parking areas consisted of 300mm dia perforated pipes which were installed to a depth of just under 3m, connecting into the existing SW system, all of which were discharging the surface water run off from a permeable paved parking.
The foul drainage system was more conventional gravity fed design connecting into the existing system at a depth of over 3.50m.
Works to the permeable paved parking consisted of over 1500t of 63-10mm permeable stone that was wrapped in a sealed impervious membrane which was design to lap down and encapsulate the SW drainage system. Once wrapped the drive received a macadam running course and finished with a mixture of Macadam and Brett Alpha permeable paving.
The external finishes consisted of Brett Alpha Antique block paving, Marshall Saxon Paving and imported clean certified topsoil.
Off site works included a temporary dropped crossing that had to be installed on the Public Highway to facilitate access to a temporary Sales Area as well as a new Zebra Crossing incorporating high friction surfacing, new lighting columns and belisha beacons carried out under a S278 Agreement.