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Redrow Homes



Scope Of Work

We were approached by our client Redrow Homes to help out with an enabling scheme to link future phases of work to the existing this was to be by way of the installation of a new Haul Road.


To allow the installation a degree of topsoil stripping, stockpiling and cutting through an existing stockpiles whilst having to work around trees carrying a Tree Protection Order on them as well as a protected badger sett.


The initial entrance to the Haul Road was enhanced using a 100mm tarmac running layer for circa 50lm, after this the Haul Road ran for a further 200lm on the line of a existing track installed by another contractor.


This track was being used to fill other areas of the development, the condition of the track was deteriorated and required substantial improvement works prior to the haul road being installed over the top of the track.


As this new access was to be promoted as the main route in and out of the development for all deliveries and site traffic passing bays and speed cushions were also installed to control the flow in and out of the development.

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