West Bergholt
Hopkins Homes
Scope Of Work
The development consists of 41nr new homes including a range of one to four-bedroom houses and bungalows. 12nr of the homes will be Affordable Homes, including rented and shared ownership which will be delivered in partnership with a housing association.
We start this site as Principal Contractor for the first 8nr weeks, completing the extensive 16,000m2 topsoil strip, initial 100m of road works and oversites to the 4nr sales plots. Over 4,800m3 of surplus topsoil will be managed and removed from site accordingly.
The offsite S278 works start by culverting the existing ditch with 50m of 300mm pipe before backfilling ready for construction of the new bellmouth access and 360m2 of new footways, and then finishing with 320m2 of high friction surfacing applied to the existing carriageway.
There are several ecological elements to the works on site, including working in and around a live badger sett. All our works in this area of the site will be completed under the watching brief of the Ecologists.
The site has an in-depth SUDS design, with all 330lm of roads and 2,000m2 of parking areas being of permeable construction, along with construction of over 560m3 of crate type soakaways.
The foul water drainage flows to a 5m deep pumping station at the rear of the site, with 280m of rising main running through the development and connecting into the existing carriageway.
Our works include for all foundations and oversites to the 41nr plots including supply and installation of 120mm thick insulation and 105mm thick power floated concrete screeds, 800m2 of paths and patios and 3,800m2 of soft landscaping