Dawes Lane, Mersea
Mersea Homes
c £3,000,000
Scope Of Work
Working as Principle Contractor for 27 weeks, Centaur Construction completed all of the adoptable roads and sewers for Mersea Homes at their exclusive Kingsfield development, situated within 12 acres of gorgeous Mersea Island parkland.
Works started with a bespoke construction access point to protect the existing fibre optic cables that sit just 250mm below ground level.
70,000 m2 of topsoil was first stripped to allow onsite works to begin, followed by the creation of a 5,500 m3 attenuation basin and two large swales to the North and South of the site.
Over 850m of adoptable FW drainage up to 6.0m deep was installed, connecting to a 6.2m deep 2.1m diameter pumping station. Due to the high water table, this was built using caisson shaft construction. The pump outfalls via. 265 m of rising main, connection to an existing manhole chamber offsite.
The SW drainage sees over 1,400 m of onsite pipework up to 450mm diameter, collecting in the attenuation basin, and then crossing an offsite field a further 300 m before out falling into an existing ditch. This work was done with extensive communication with the farmer to minimise disruption and ensure their were no loss of crop growing opportunities.
Nearly 6,000 m2 of adoptable roads were then constructed to binder course level, including installation of the PCC kerbs and temporary crossing points to help with the onsite housing build. All services were installed, including 250m of HV cables that run to a newly constructed onsite substation. The service construction finished with installation and connection of 19nr street lighting columns.
The final works was the full construction of the offsite S278 works, which including raising the levels of the existing road by over 500mm to cross the existing fibre optic cables, along with offsite footpath improvement works along Dawes Lane to provide safer pedestrian access for both new and existing residents.