Inland Homes
Scope Of Work
Located in the picturesque village of Cressing and surrounded by open fields, Templar Green is a new collection of 78nr beautifully designed 2, 3 & 4 bedroom homes.
We start this site after demolition works completed by others, initially profiling the entire site and forming the 12,500m2 POS area to the rear of the development. Over 5000m3 of existing stockpiled material will be moved, placed and compacted to final agreed levels.
There are 1,800m of adoptable standard drainage to install, with foul water flowing to a new wetwell and pump chamber, and surface water being stored in a 5,000m3 lined attenuation pond, before discharging into the existing onsite ditches.
6,000m2 of onsite roads will then be installed, along with 1,400m2 of onsite footways and 650m2 of independent footways running through the new POS area.
Due to ground conditions, 14nr of the plots will be of piled construction, with the remaining being traditional construction with concrete and average of 1.0m deep. The oversites will be finished with a 150mm deep beam and block suspended floor.
The development benefits from a full SUDS design, with all parking areas being sealed permeable construction, involving the installation of 4,000m2 of welded non-permeable membrane beneath the 350mm porous sub base.
Owing to the previous brown field use of the site, there is a detailed remediation strategy to follow, with remediated capping layers, imported topsoil and a full Materials Management Plan produced in accordance with the CL:Aire Code of Practice.